Monthly Archives: March 2015

Rally Planned After Same-Sex Couple Allegedly Denied Service

RE: Rally Planned After Same-Sex Couple Allegedly Denied Service
So, what does the couple hope to accomplish here?  Is it right for a business/professional to deny service to any population?  No, of course not!  It is unethical, unprofessional, discriminatory, and bad for business.  Could the business have declined the service in a different way and declined service by stating that they felt they could not deliver a value product? Yes, of course it is done all the time and everyday to ALL of us.  Seems the business could have just had better business etiquette in declining the service.  Again this is done all the time.  This business is providing an artist service rendering of a final product.  It is interpretive and based on the artists beliefs, viewpoints, and even how they felt that day.  I myself do not agree to how all this is came down and would myself feel discriminated against if this happened to me but really? I sure would not even want to force this business to deliver me their product because I’m sure it would not have been a value product anyway.  I of course would share my encounter with this business with everyone I know and encourage them not to do business with them.

Conclusion:  There is ignorance on both sides here.

A same-sex couple demanding service from a business either knowingly or unknowingly that is bias to the LGBT community but more pointed perhaps should have brought their business to a business that either is LGBT owned or proudly stating that they are LGBT friendly. [Ahh note isn’t this a form of discriminatory practice in itself?]

And the business, which is in business to serve an entire market, and if they cannot accomplish this then they shouldn’t be in business.  If a business feels they cannot deliver a product to a customer, for whatever reason, I’m sure the business could have had better professionalism and business etiquette and cited another reason as to why they could not provide a service to a customer.  The customer in turn can use their power of voice to pass on their ranking of the service provided or not provided to them.  We are a free society, after all, and trust me on this the power of the internet, media, and social media can have a strong impact to the success of a business. [Look what is going on here.]

At the end of the day we all make choices as to where we take our business to.  It is understood, expected, and protected that any of us should be able to buy our groceries, get our gas, purchase or rent our home and not be discriminated against for whatever basis or reason but in this scenario it appears that a person, has a fault or character disposition, that would have prevented them from providing a value product to this same-sex couple.  If I was purchasing a pack of gum from this business then, oh hell! you better serve me, but if I’m being provided an artist service from this company and I may risk bias in the production of the final product because of the person’s character flaw, then perhaps I may be smarter and better off to take my business to someone who has an understanding of the same-sex’s couples request and able to produce and capture the loving, caring, sharing moment that this same-sex couple ultimately is hoping to catch in a video to share for a life time. You can’t buy this on a shelf, you have to have an artist that understands and can capture this moment without bias.  It appears this business knew in advance that they would not be able to capture that moment and perhaps could have been more caring and compassionate in sharing their limitations of that delivery to the same-sex couple. Ahh but we don’t live in a perfect world and hence all this to begin with.  🙂
Rally Planned After Same-Sex Couple Allegedly Denied Service

Posted: Mar 30, 2015 11:54 AM EDT
<em class=”wnDate”>Monday, March 30, 2015 11:54 AM EDT
END wnDate
Updated: Mar 30, 2015 8:51 PM EDT


The roadblock Jenn Moffat and Jerra Knicely faced this month when they set out to plan their wedding touched a nerve.
“First of all it’s a wedding to be told that someone won’t do your video work because of your sexuality I mean that hurts,” shared Omar Faruk, who is the founder of

So much so that Moffat and Knicely shared the message they say they received from the wedding videography company on social media.
The message stated “Unfortunately at this time I do not offer services for same-sex marriages but thank you for your inquiry. Peace.”
Faruk says it is clear cut discrimination, “In this day and time why is discrimination legal?”
He says he is organizing a peaceful rally at Bexley City Hall in support of the creation of an anti-discrimination ordinance there.
As for the couple other businesses have reached out offering to help them on their big day.
Faruk says they will meet with city leaders Tuesday as they iron out an ordinance to propose.
The Wenited Rally is scheduled to take place at 5:30 outside Bexley City Hall Tuesday night.

So, what does the couple hope to accomplish here?  Is it right for a business/professional to deny service to any population?  No, of course not!  It is unethical, unprofessional, discriminatory, and bad for business.  Could the business have declined the service in a different way and declined service by stating that they felt they could not deliver a value product? Yes, of course it is done all the time and everyday to ALL of us.  Seems the business could have just had better business etiquette in declining the service.  Again this is done all the time.  This business is providing an artist service rendering of a final product.  It is interpretive and based on the artists beliefs, viewpoints, and even how they felt that day.  I myself do not agree to how all this is came down and would myself feel discriminated against if this happened to me but really? I sure would not even want to force this business to deliver me their product because I’m sure it would not have been a value product anyway.  I of course would share my encounter with this business with everyone I know and encourage them not to do business with them.

Conclusion:  There is ignorance on both sides here.

A same-sex couple demanding service from a business either knowingly or unknowingly that is bias to the LGBT community but more pointed perhaps should have brought their business to a business that either is LGBT owned or proudly stating that they are LGBT friendly. [Ahh note isn’t this a form of discriminatory practice in itself?]

And the business, which is in business to serve an entire market, and if they cannot accomplish this then they shouldn’t be in business.  If a business feels they cannot deliver a product to a customer, for whatever reason, I’m sure the business could have had better professionalism and business etiquette and cited another reason as to why they could not provide a service to a customer.  The customer in turn can use their power of voice to pass on their ranking of the service provided or not provided to them.  We are a free society, after all, and trust me on this the power of the internet, media, and social media can have a strong impact to the success of a business. [Look what is going on here.]

At the end of the day we all make choices as to where we take our business to.  It is understood, expected, and protected that any of us should be able to buy our groceries, get our gas, purchase or rent our home and not be discriminated against for whatever basis or reason but in this scenario it appears that a person, has a fault or character disposition, that would have prevented them from providing a value product to this same-sex couple.  If I was purchasing a pack of gum from this business then, oh hell! you better serve me, but if I’m being provided an artist service from this company and I may risk bias in the production of the final product because of the person’s character flaw, then perhaps I may be smarter and better off to take my business to someone who has an understanding of the same-sex’s couples request and able to produce and capture the loving, caring, sharing moment that this same-sex couple ultimately is hoping to catch in a video to share for a life time. You can’t buy this on a shelf, you have to have an artist that understands and can capture this moment without bias.  It appears this business knew in advance that they would not be able to capture that moment and perhaps could have been more caring and compassionate in sharing their limitations of that delivery to the same-sex couple. Ahh but we don’t live in a perfect world and hence all this to begin with.  🙂

Dear Azealia Banks, Please Feel Free To Leave America And Never Return

Dear Azealia Banks, Please Feel Free To Leave America And Never Return
Mar. 18, 2015 10:42am
Matt Walsh

I’m sure there is more to this than what the author is capturing in this article but here is my two cents worth.

Azalea Banks: “Black people need reparations for building this country, and we deserve way more f***ing credit and respect… When you rip a people from their land, from their customs, from their culture — there’s still a piece of me that knows I’m not supposed to be speaking English, I’m not supposed to be worshiping Jesus Christ…All this s**t is unnatural to me.”

I pride myself in not being prejudice but when I see statements like this I may be accused of such but in reality I am bias to ignorance. I treat all people the same with the same value and with the same courtesy and benefits that I would want out of life. I am not responsible for what “white” people did to “black” during the course of our country’s history, nor am I responsible or will even consider reparations for actions of the past. I will respect however the contributions made by all people, culture, religion or race good bad or indifferent because they made our country as it is today. History is not always a good thing. Being an American though, I can take that history, learn from all of us that make up our country and be proud to be an American as it is today, including all the bad that came with it to become the great nation that we are today.

As a white person I do not “owe” another race “more f***ing credit and respect” because of their contributions in history good or bad. I am only responsible for today. Today I treat all people with value and respect not because of your race or culture but because I am a human being and you are a fellow human being. I am proud of my country Azalea Banks as I am free, make my own choices in life and have all the reasonable comforts of life. I see Azalea Banks as an American that you have made choices as well and they seem to have made a very comfortable life for you. That being said, I would rather be concerned of prejudice that you are facing today and not focus on the prejudice of your ancestors because at the end of the day our American history is just that history and should be treated with the respect and education accordingly to move us forward to make us a positive, prejudice free nation. You’ve failed here Azelea Banks.